“Go with the flow and learn as you go.”
About the logo.
My logo has three main elements that are very special to me and how I navigate my life. The main idea of the Rose all comes back to my family - my main support system. When I was born my older brother, Kyle, was five years old. My parents asked him what a good name for me would be and without hesitation he said “Rose! I will never unpick the name Rose.” Rose is my middle name and growing up my family, especially my mom, always had nicknames for me that embodied Rose. The symbol of a Rose shows how important family is to me and no matter where I’m at or what I’m doing, I know they will always support me.
The second element to my logo is growth. Just like a flower growing in a garden, there’s always something in life that can grow to be better. I’m a firm believer in reflective growth and improvement. Whether it’s in the pool, the weight room, or in other aspects of my life, I know there is something I can improve on and learn. This realization helps me grow as an athlete, a leader, and a better person in general.
The third element of my logo is weather. If you look at the petals of the rose they are twisted into the shape of a tornado. I absolutely love weather. I grew up watching the Weather Channel and reading books all about different types of weather. I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, right at the edge of Tornado Alley, so strong and intense storms were the norm. A tornado is one of the most powerful weather phenomena. I chose to have the pedals reflecting a tornado to show that, despite challenges I may face in life because of my disability, I am strong, fierce, and intense when I need to be. It shows that I’m powerful and a force to be reckoned with in the pool.